I’m Ling Han, a second-year PhD student at Yale University. My main area of study is Computer Science, but I also specialize in Biomedical informatics.

I received my M.S. in Computer Science from Wuhan University, advised by Prof. Zongpeng Li (Tsinghua University), and co-advised by Prof. Hao Huang

I received my bachelor’s degree from Wuhan University, advised by Prof. Jing Chen

Ling Han
PhD Student in Computer Science
Yale University


My research interests include Machine Learning, Privacy and Biomedical Informatics

I develop advanced techniques to address trustworthiness, privacy, and fairness issues on the latest deep learning models and AI. I focus on information theoretic and statistical perspectives to understand deep learning models, and also take into account the optimization of traditional statistical learning methods.

If you’re interested in any of those topics, feel free to contact me. I’m always open to schedule a meeting with my fellow researchers on the interesting research projects and ideas.

Preprint Research Paper on Machine Unlearning of Systematic Patterns and Biases

May 22, 2024   |   Yale University   |   New Haven, CT

Preprint Research Paper on Distribution Shift in Machine Unlearning

Mar 12, 2024   |   Yale University   |   New Haven, CT

Research Paper Reporter at AAAI 2024

Feb 23, 2024   |   Vancouver Convention Center   |   Vancouver, BC Canada

Rotation with Prof. Annie Hartley @Yale LiGHT

Jan 15, 2024   |   Yale University   |   New Haven, CT